Professional Services
Institute for Integrated Wisdom
Mind ~ Body ~ Social Work focuses on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, behavior, and on the powerful ways in which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors can directly affect health, social competence and creating societal conditions which supports life goals.

Mind ~ Body ~ Social Work purports and enhances each individual’s capacity for self- knowledge, self-care, self-awareness, self-determination and optimal wellness as the ultimate goal of achievement.
Mind ~ Body ~ Social Work Practices focuses on intervention strategies that are thought to promote physical health, social well-being, and societal fitness. Integrative practices such as relaxation, visualization, hypnosis, reiki, cognitive-behavioral therapies, group support, autogenic training, emotional intelligence, and spirituality are the primary passage ways of intervention.
Mind ~ Body ~ Social Work views disorders and pathology as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation. Social Workers, Case Managers, Family Support Workers, Community Support Workers, Macro and Micro interventionalist are the premier guides and catalysts for change in this most powerful and timely process.
We Customize All Training To Meet Specific Staff Needs
“It is our soul’s intention to discover its full human potential of body, mind and spirit. Integrative Mind Body Social Work is the energetic bridge we build in our work of education and training. The integrity of human life in balance creates internal harmony and a foundation for healthy living that is both internally sound and peacefully flexible. We strive to create significant insights, life transformations and joy beyond measure.” Ivy Hylton
Youth Developement Programs
"Turning the idle mind into positive action"Saleem Hylton
The Community Transition Project is focused on guiding youth & adults back into the community after incarceration. CTP offers a faith based, police and governmental partnership approach to intervention and treatment.
The CTP Life Management Tracking and Monitoring System is designed to offer individualized service with a continuum of care within the community, state, local and faith-based institutions.
The CTP tracking system is a qualitative and
quantitative approach to ensuring adequate service levels and effective outcomes.
"Transforming life destiny by discovering new talents and skills"Ivy Hylton, MSW,LICSW
The Youth Diversion Arts Initiative is designed to serve as a culturally sensitive approach to engaging youth into creative life solutions, focused on the values of Hip-Hop culture, and self expression.
The YDAI offers youth an opportunity to explore creative talents while integrating into the business world of entrepreneurship, developing life skills and transitioning ineffective behaviors into productive and creative human behavior.
Introduction to a state of the art recording studio offers youth direct access to creating, developing, manufacturing and distributing products for sale in the business industry.
A timely opportunity to guide youth on how to meet the financial challenges of today's economic crisis.
Youth Become Certified RJ Circle Keepers, Learning to "Keep the Peace". Saleem Hylton
Proving Self-Esteem building support by giving purpose and teaching skills to our youth.
The Circle Peace Keeper Training gives community youth leaders an opportunity to take charge of crime in their peer community.
By teaching the principles and circle keeping skills of Balanced and Restorative Justice, community youth leaders are given the skills and tools necessary to serve as community conflict resolution experts.
When there is wrong doing committed in the community and schools, the youth circle keepers are called upon to facilitate the circle for resolution, restituition and repairing the harm.
Our Violence Reduction (Ascension) Stress Management Training and personal transformation philosophy states that to create a significant paradigm shift in ones behavior, you must first experience a major shift in self-consciousness, self-knowledge, self-control, and creating a disciplined imagination.
The objective of this philosophy of life is to create conditions in which one can experience deep, deep levels of relaxation, preparing the mind (brain) for positive suggestion, emotional intelligence and muscle memory retention. Therby, creating a reconditioning of the mind. During deep relaxation periods, the mind, which is part of the invisible body, can impress ideas, impressions, and thoughts upon the brain.
Our stress management philosophy involves gaining an in-depth understanding of how the brain functions and how to induce brain wave levels that instantly controls the emotions. With desire and dedicated practice, human life can keep its mind on a higher, decent of living and in more control of thoughts, feelings,emotions and behaviors.
Restorative Re-Entry Circle Services
It's a Process
The Re-entry Circle process is a Restorative Justice practice which is designed to formally welcome the returning citizen back into community and to establish a support system for him or her, as they transition back into their family and community life.
The process entails the following:
1. Contact is made with Youth & Families in Crisis staff and a meeting is scheduled with the family representative to get some history on the returning citizen or student in terms of reason for suspension, criminal charge, relationship with the family and other pertinent information that is relevant to the individual. In addition, the family will be briefed on the details of the Restorative Re-entry process, such as identifying key people that will attend the session, i.e., caring family members, close friends of the family, and other persons who had a strong relationship with the individual prior to incarceration.
2. The next step will be to identify a location that has adequate space for the size of the group that will participate. The space must accommodate the number of participants that will be in a circle chair setting.
3. Set a date for the Re-entry Circle and notify the identified persons for confirmation of their attendance.
4. The actual facilitation of the Circle, led by a Certified Restorative Justice Circle Keeper (facilitator). The objective of this part of the process is to give everyone in the Circle the opportunity to express their true feeling to the returning citizen regarding our his or her incarceration impacted their lives as well as give the subject the opportunity to express his or her feelings as well. The overall goal of this Restorative Circle process is to leave the Circle with a life management plan outline for the returning citizen that will serve as the guidelines for him or her to follow on their road to a successful and productive life
This is a very significant part of the Restorative Re-entry process, which takes place at the very end of the session. The Celebration entails the gathering of the participants to formally celebrate the coming home or returning of their love one in a social or educational setting.
The essential part of this celebration is food (either catered or pot luck), music, any other activity that the family can enjoy together.
Contact Us To Join the Movement Today! & Transform the World
Restorative Practices and Circle Facilition
Become a Certifed Restorative Practices Circle Facilitator
A Four -Day Commitment To A Training Experience That Will Empower Your Life, Transform Your Thinking and Heal The World-One Circle At A Time
Experiential Training To Become a Certified Restorative Justice Circle Facilitator Circle Keeper Training Curriculum includes
The training investment includes 16 hours of experiential circle practicum learning, circle keeping manual, one copy of
"The Little Book of Circle Keeping" and training certification certificate.
- Reducing the need for school suspension, expulsion and juvenile incarceration.
- Trauma Informed Practice
- Helping Grieving Parents and Communities Heal
- Crime Victims Response to Loss
- Facilitating Heart to Heart Conversations
- Circles for Bullying Behaviors
- Circles for Child Support Compliance
- Circles for Baby MaMa and Daddy Drama
- Community Sentencing.
A Way of Talking Together So That ......ALL
"There is Power in the Circle"
"Finding Peace of Mind"
An Overview
The circle process creates a distinctive kind of space for restorative dialogue.
Circles are fashioned in such a way that interconnectedness, interdependence, and equality within the community are highlighted.
Participants are encouraged to share a sense of mutual responsibility for the well being of the community and the individuals within it, and an understanding that what happens to one person affects all.
In the circle, all participants, regardless of role or status, age or experience,
are considered of equal importance, with equal voice.
Everyone in the circle is invited to speak and listen from the heart, or to initiate silence.
No one sits above or below others, or outside of the circle.
The circle is inclusive. Even the circle keeper participates in the circle, in addition to facilitating the process.
Use of a talking piece helps to define the process and order
Circles seek to cultivate a climate of mutual respect and caring that is
value-oriented and heart-based, that engages the emotions as well as the mind.
Circles are inclusive also in content, designed to allow space for all
dimensions of human life, including the spiritual values and traditions of the participants.
The talking piece, allows balance in the conversation you to speak without interruption, hold the talking piece in silence, or simply pass it in silence to the next person.
The use of a talking piece, in essence, slows the pace of dialogue, encourages quieter people to have an equal voice, assists participants in modulating and shaping the expression of strong emotions, and allows for deeper conversation, more careful listening and thoughtful expression.
Welcome to Heaven House Retreat
Berkeley Springs, West Virginia Owned and operated BY YOUTH AND FAMILIES IN CRISIS, LLC
A Private Retreat for Rejuvenation, Relaxation, Healing and Production Your Haven for an Heavenly Experience
Your Home Away from the Office
Join Youth & Families in Crisis for training sessions, workshops, and family restoration retreats in our relaxing mountain setting located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
Located just
100 miles from Washington, D.C. and Baltimore
146 miles from Pittsburgh, 165 miles from Philadelphia and 117 miles from Richmond, Virginia
Available amenities include outdoor pool, outdoor mineral water jaccuzi fitness & spa facilities, massage therapy, healing mineral baths and more.
MASTER CLASS Weekend Retreats
Berkeley Springs West Virginia is the nations first Spa Town with over 90 spa's and State Park with Hot Mineral Spring Baths and LakeEarn CEU's for Social Worker, Licensed Professional Counselors(Continuing Education Units) while creating a restful, relaxing and rejuvenating learning experienceTry my favorite Spa -
Four Private Bedrooms with Private Bathrooms
One Sun Loft with three beds and private bath with jacuzzi
French Doors open to the mountainside
internet access upon request
Retreats also include, but are not limited to the following:
Welcome to a sacred place to do your inner work
Because we work with only small groups or privately, our retreats are specially adapted and focused on you individually or/and your family. Various natural techniques are used as needed including, spiritual energy healing, emotional balancing techniques, forgiveness, breath work, spa time, nature time, visualization, emotional releasing, focused self-awareness, and
RESTORATIVE CIRCLE WORK "The Power is in the Circle"
Contact us today to make your reservation